It Happened One Night ~ Scullcap
I snuggled up into bed with bone burning exhaustion that a mother of soon to be 5 knows profoundly. I drifted off into a slumber that was interrupted with a panic. I did not know what was happening but a sense of terror was in my body. I was sweating, my chest got tight and my thoughts raced with impending doom. I took deep breaths, looked around the room and told myself how silly I was and that there was nothing wrong. The torture was relentless and I picked up the phone.
“Hello, this is Sharon Hockenbury” my voice like pebbles in maracas. “Something is not right. I was sound asleep and woke to a racing heart and terror.” I went on to explain my symptoms to the nurse who had answered the medical hotline. Her matter of fact voice was somewhat soothing and she proceeded to tell me I was having a panic attack. WHAT!!! How could this be? I was asleep. Nothing seemed to trigger it. She restated her conclusion and said I could come in ER or ride it out. My triple Scorpio nature made the choice. I would suffer and then figure it out the next day. I was able to calm myself and nodded off at the break of dawn.
I was already studying herbalism at this time, 25 plus years ago, and my passion for natural health and wellness lead me to the answer. Skullcap became my comrade of calm. Herbalist sound so smart when they use the latin name, so I will give it to you for entertainment purposes, but I do not use it.
~ Scutellaria lateriflora ~
It does have a cool ring to it, and boy is it effective. In good old folk remedy style, I took a heaping handful of this nervine herb and put it in a quart size jar. I poured boiling water over it and let it steep for at least 8 hours. I strained it and drank this healing infusion over the next 8 hours. Ahhh, the soothing effect of the divinely designed herb is so measurable.
Twenty some years later I still use Skullcap to support my nervous system. I am high energy with something buzzing in my mind and heart most of the time and this herb helps keep me balanced as needed. It works synergistically with other herbs like Valerian, Kava, Passion Flower, Chamomile, and Lavender.
I have intuitively designed and handcrafted a tea called “Earth Angel” with Skullcap. It is my favorite tea and makes a powerful infusion when more intensity is needed. There is no need to panic, Skullcap is here!
Sharon Hockenbury is a Certified Herbalist, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, Hypnotist, Reiki Master and Owner of Twin Peaks Nutrition and Wellness in North Bend Washington. Herbs available in store and Earth Angel Tea in store or by mail. She offers Nutrition and Wellness Consults in person or teleconferencing.
Available at Twin Peaks Nutrition and Wellness in North Bend, Washington. The tea is available by mail order.